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The conversion of organic forms of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur into inorganic or mineral forms is known as mineralization.
In a certain code language, ALBINISM is written as 79. How will NEURON be written in that code?
Select the option that is related to the fourth number in the same way as the first number is related to the second number and the fifth number is relat...
Seven people, A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting in a straight line, facing north. Only three people sit to the left of D. Only two people sit between D...
A is the good of B, which is the only son of C. D is the husband of C. What does A have to do with C?
Study the following arrangement of two digit numbers and symbols to answer the question given below
37 43 87 & 32 54 @ % 89 65 44 ...
Based on the given analogy, find the missing number.
445 : 316 :: 896 ?
Arrange the following in a logical and meaningful order.
I. Kamet
II. Kanchenjunga
III. Nanda Devi
IV. Saltoro Kangri
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are written on different faces of a dice. Three different positions of the same dice are shown below. Find the number on the face op...
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to sequentially replace the * signs and balance the given equation.
76 * 34 * 23 * 12 * 6 * 21
What should come in place of '?' in the given series?
24 103 498 2473 12348 ?