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Synthetic varieties are produced by crossing in isolation a number of lines tested for their general combining ability (GCA).
Which is the southernmost range of the Himalayas?
Which of the following statements are correct regarding Himalayan Mountain range?
1. The Shiwalik formations are absent in Arunachal Himalayas.
Which Indian state is known as the 'Land of Five Rivers'?
If you pass through this region, you are most likely to find tall grasslands, scrub savannah, sal forests clay rich swamps and high biological diversity...
Highest Dam in India is
Which state of India has the maximum length of state Highways?
What was the Rig Vedic name of the river Sutlej?
Consider the following pairs:
Which of the above pair...
Consider the following statements with reference to tropical easterly jet streams:
1. It causes the reversal in upper air circulation.
2. ...
With reference to river Tapi, consider the following statements:
1. It originates from Amarkantak plateau.
2. Purna and Panjhra are import...