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In bacterial leaf blight the leaves dry out and wilt, this symptom is known as kresek.
What is the percentage of interest subvention provided by the Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF)?
Which was first Indian dwarf amber grained variety of wheat made from Sonara 64 by γ –gamma rays
Which scheme offers a financial subsidy for constructing and modernizing cold storage units in hilly and scheduled areas?
Triticale is a cross between
Which among the following is not a key response shown by cytokinin?
For regular bearing in mango which chemical is recommended
What is the role of MAITRIs under the Rashtriya Gokul Mission?
Seed rate required for transplanted pearl millet is
Buffering capacity of soil means resistance to a change in:
Which of the following is the post harvest physiological disorder of mango