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The MSP for crops is fixed twice a year on the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP), which is a statutory body, it recommends separately MSP for Kharif crops (June-July) and Rabi crops (Oct-Nov).
To create the school infrastructure in the state a campaign has been launched by the government named as ‘Mana Ooru Mana Badi”. Name the state?
How much did gold imports drop in December 2024 compared to November 2024?
Consider the following statements with respect to the information provided about the financial schemes of India -
I.As per data uploaded by Membe...
Which state government will launch the Indira Gandhi Smartphone Yojana wherein at least 13 million women will receive smartphones with free data for int...
In which Indian state is the Pench Tiger Reserve (PTR) located, recently designated as India's first Dark Sky park?
What was the average cost of a data breach in India in 2024, according to IBM's report?
Which of the following statements is true regarding the "HaatiApp" developed to mitigate human-elephant conflict in Assam?
Which bank has been assigned the Lead Bank Responsibility for the district of Ernakulum in Kerala?
To ensure fair lending, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has prohibited lenders from compounding penal interest arising from loan defaults with future re...
Which organization has approved the new Global Greenhouse Gas Watch initiative?