The Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme has been extended to include Fishers, Fish Farmers, Self Help Groups (SHGs), Joint Liability Groups, and Women Groups, providing them with financial assistance and insurance coverage.
The following language is not found in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution .
The fundamental duties of Indian citizens were incorporated into the Indian Constitution under which amendment.
The Family Courts Act of 1984 authorizes which entity to establish Family Courts?
Which Constitutional Amendment Act revised Article 312 (1) of the Indian Constitution to empower Parliament to create All-India Services?
In what year was the Hindu Marriage Act enacted?
The structural framework of the Indian Constitution is largely derived from which Government of India Act?
The Jury Act, discriminates on religious grounds was strongly opposed by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, this act was passed in the year:
Who presides over the Joint Session of Indian Parliament?
Which Indian constitutional article is famously described by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the "Heart and soul of the Constitution"?
Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the 'Proclamation of Emergency'?