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Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute was established in 1962 at Malpura in Rajasthan. Now campus is popular by the name of Avikanagar.
‘TRISHNA mission’, recently seen in the news, is a collaborative project between which two countries?
Which of the following were the significance of Cripps MIssion proposal?
1. The British government acknowledged India’s right to be a dom...
Stand Up India Programme envisages each bank branch to give loan between ₹ 10 lakh to ₹ 100 lakh
1. to at least one SC/ST borrower
Under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, wages shall be paid to an employee within a period of _____ days from the last day of the wage period.
A boat's speed while moving downstream is 60% higher than its speed while moving upstream. If the boat covers 720 km downstream in 18 hours, determine ...
The revenues and expenses of a company are displayed in which statement?
What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following equation, if '+' and '−' are interchanged and also '×' and '÷' are interchanged?...
A 170 m long train crosses another 310 m long train running in the opposite direction in 16 seconds. If the shorter train crosses a pole in 17 seconds, ...
Consider the following statements:
1. The Parliament can increase the number of Judges of the Supreme Court and High courts.
2. The s...
Which one of the following is not a feature of monopolistic competition?