A gene which masks the action of another gene is termed as epistasis. The gene is called epistatic gene and the gene whose effect is masked is termed as hypostatic gene.
As per section 6 of the National Investigating Agency Act __________________ shall have the jurisdiction with respect to a Scheduled Offence if it has b...
Who can issue a search warrant to search a Post Office?
According to LLP Act the Incorporation document shall ___?
Which of the following is a deemed decree?
Which of the following is included in the definition of "consumer rights"?
Section 15 of the Prevention of Corruption Act deal with________
Which is correct statement with respect to Liquidation Estate?
What is the minimum number of members in a public company_______________
According to the given definition, who is considered an "adult" under the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code?
A __________ is authorized to buy, sell or deal in securities