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The correct answer is A
What ambiguity arose in Nepal's BRI agreement with China regarding project funding?
Tata Group has chosen State Bank of India, Bank of Baroda and ________ as preferred bankers for Air India after taking it over from the Government of In...
When is the deadline for submitting the completed ITBS survey schedule for 2023-24?
What is India’s rank in Global Drug Policy Index 2021 which is released by the Harm Reduction Consortium?
What primary aim does the committee chaired by Rajiv Gauba have regarding the LGBTQ + community?
When is Arunachal Pradesh Foundation Day celebrated?
E-crop, a crop simulation model-based device, was developed by which one of the following institutes?
Who will chair the RBI’s 10-member ’Expert Committee on Benchmarking of its Statistics'?
Which location is being considered as a potential habitat for cheetahs as part of the next phase of Project Cheetah, despite it lacking sufficient prey ...
So far how many indigenous banks have got approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to open a special Vostro account for trade in rupees and both th...