First vaccination, Edward Jenner took pus from a cowpox lesion, inserted it into an incision on a boy's arm to develop the immunity against smallpox in 1797.
Choose the correct combination of grammatically incorrect sentences
I. The rise of digital technologies and the growth of e-commerce have tran...
It is obligatory for companies to provide details of their industrial processes.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
His voice was ______ by the sound of the helicopter.
Select the correctly punctuated sentence from the options below.
Identify the highlighted part of speech, choose the correct answer
His ability to concentrate is legendary
The wolf chased them down the lane and almost (catch) them.
If every countries start taking (A)/ the law into its own hands , (B)/the legitimacy at a rule-based international order, (C)/which is already at a low...
The vice principal decided to resign when he was passed over for promotion to principal.
We Indians by nature are extremely emotional.
S6: What must be appreciated is that none of the members of the Indian team has reacted to this m...