A flower is self-pollinated (a “selfer”) if pollen is transferred to it from any flower of the same plant and cross-pollinated (an “outcrosser” or “outbreeder”) if the pollen comes from a flower on a different plant. Cleistogamy. When pollination and fertilization occur in unopened flower bud, it is known as cleistogamy. Maturation of anthers and stigma of a flower at the same time is called homogamy. Monoecy is a sexual system in seed plants where separate male and female cones or flowers are present on the same plant.
When rainfall is inadequate to meet the evapotranspiration losses, usually occurs in humid region
A. Invisible drought
B. Contingent ...
Fertiliser material that has maximum sulphur content is:
Site for protein synthesis is _______
Which of the following physiological growth stages of wheat crop is most susceptible to 2, 4-D?
Which among the following phenomenon directly affects crop growth and yield?
Which of the following does not comply with NSOP standards?
Which of the following components of a Farm Pond Is useful for letting out the excess water from the pond?
Which acid is the main chemical used in acid seed scarification?
………………….is unconsolidated mass from which solum develops.
An acid liquid from the granular hairs of leaves and pods of Bengal gram contains two acids: