Explanation: Scansorial legs in insects are adapted for climbing or clinging.
Who appoints the Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners, and what is the composition of the recommendation committee?
As per S. 79 of the Indian Penal Code which of the following is not true?
Nothing is an offence which is done in the exercise of right of private defence is mentioned under which section of the Indian Penal Code?
Under the Constitution of India, provision to disqualification on ground of defection is made:-
Right to private defence is covered under which sections of IPC?
Which of the following phrases is not part of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution?
Acts of a Judge are specifically protected under which section of IPC?
Where any drawback payable to a claimant is not paid ____________ from the date of filing a claim for payment of such drawback, there shall be paid to t...
Section 74 and 75 of the Evidence Act have been combined into one section under which of the following sections in the BharatiyaSakshayaAdhiniyam?
Is a pecuniary benefit covered under S. 92 for acts done in good faith for the benefit of a person without consent?