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The project is called "Irrigated Agriculture Modernization and Water Bodies Restoration Management." It is a comprehensive initiative that focuses on modernizing irrigated agriculture practices while concurrently addressing the restoration and sustainable management of water bodies.
Fill blank number 29 with correct option:
You are provided with a sentence with one word missing, denoted by a blank. You are presented with four options (A), (B), (C) and (D), identify which of...
Kill two birds with one ___________.
The more he tried to solve the mystery, the more _________ he felt.
In the following questions, a sentence is given with two blanks. Identify the correct pair of words that fit in the sentence to make it grammat...
Sea levels increases ……….. to the …………. of ice caps at the poles.
He will dispense ______ your services.
Given below are a few sentences with one blank in each. Below each sentence are given four words among which one word might fill the blank. If none ...
This balance is ___________ for India, for which Israel is a source of defence equipment and agricultural technology.
A. frothy B. matte ...
I think my friend had a ___________,that I had __________ in search of a hidden __________.