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Chroma , measured radially from the center of each slice, represents the “purity” of a color (related to saturation ), with lower chroma being less pure (more washed out, as in pastels )
______ succumbed to injuries inflicted on him during a peaceful demonstration against the Simon Commission.
Which was the first women's sport to be introduced in the Olympics?
Which institution provided loan assistance to the Ministry of Skill Development for the SANKALP program, aimed at improving skill training and market co...
Consider the following statements:
1.HDI is a composite index that accounts for life expectancy at birth, mean years of schooling, expected years...
Schedule Commercial Banks’ gross non-performing assets (GNPA) ratio continued its downtrend and fell to a low of 3.9 per cent in March 2023 and the n...
Through the 73th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992, the government fulfilled the constitutional obligation stated in Article _________ .
In the Budget 2021 the residency limit for an Indian citizen to set up OPC is reduced to 120 days from 182 days, what does OPC stand for?
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is expanding its strategic partnership with ___________ to power the digital transformation?
The first solar city in India is in which state?
Frontal offset test in Bharat New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP) is performed at a speed of ________.