Humin: Highest in molecular weight, darkest in colour, insoluble in both acid and alkali and most resistant to microbial attack. Polymerized product of a part of the FA and HA fractions.
Which of the following is not correct about CRD design?
The earthworm that is considered as surface dwellers live near the soil surface is called as?
Which caste of honeybee is reared in large finger-shaped cells in the lower portion of the combs and is carefully looked after by young workers known as...
What is the feed conversion ratio in broiler chicken?
Which of the following type of mouth parts present in house fly?
Indicator of faecal contamination of water is
The Gond forest community belongs to which of the following state?
Domestication of sheep started during
In which classification class does the Chrysanthemum with ray florets in a single row at right angles to the stem belong?
Which type of enzyme is used to cut the DNA in recombinant DNA technology?