How many such digits are there in the number 86732459 each of which is far away from the beginning of the number as when the digits are arranged in desc...
If all the numbers are dropped from the above both sets, then how many symbols are followed by small letters in both the above arrangements?
If it is possible to make to make only one meaningful word with the first, second, fifth and seventh letters of the word “STRAWBERRY”, which of the...
How many such pairs of digits are there in the number '62158943' each of which has as many digits between them in the number both forward and backward d...
Each even digit in the number 496735 is replaced by the next higher digit and each odd digit is replaced by the previous lower digit and the digits obta...
All the letters of the word ‘MAGAZINE’ are arranged in alphabetical order from right to left. Then all the consonants are replaced with the previou...
If third letter from the left end of each word from each group is to be considered, then which among the following group of words can make at least one ...
When all the digits of the number ‘385967368578’ are arranged in increasing order from the left end, then what is the number obtained when third dig...
If all the letters of the word ‘SIMPLIFY’ are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right, then which among the following is the third letter...
If the consonants of the following words are arranged first, followed by the vowels as per the English alphabetical order and then the consonants are c...