The minimum germination percentage required for both foundation and certified seed classes in paddy is 80% to meet the seed certification standards.
Find the appropriate word.
The Prime Minister ___________ that the country could only _______ economically if planners had a clear _______ of rural development in the context of g...
Find the appropriate word.
In the given passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Against every five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriat...
Which of the following statements is/are correct according to the passage?
(i) A recent study reveals that up to 70% of nutrients can be provided...
Find the appropriate word.
Find out the appropriate words.
Which of the following is not a synonym of “Discrimination”?
________ the current government _________ to revive neoliberal momentum, there is no assessment of the legacy of liberalisation even ________ narrow eco...
What made the author of the above passage conclude that ’the measures to phase out fuel subsidies remain resilient’?