Darcy's law says that the discharge rate q is proportional to the gradient in hydraulic head and the hydraulic conductivity (q = Q/A).
Each question is divided into four parts a,b,c,d. In some questions they are not in the sequence so according to grammar and context re- arran...
Which is the SECOND sentence of the paragraph?
A. incidentally, it is family more often than
B. you learn life’s lessons through hard knocks
C. the disapproving looks of family <...
1. Packing is one of those many things that I feel I know more about than any other person living.
P. This was hardly what I intended.
Q. ...
Which should be the last sentence after rearrangement?
Which of the following is the third sentence of the passage?
1. I had remembered it.
P. Initially after the Liberation I was absolutely not interested in all that stored stuff, and naturally I was also r...
Which sentence of the paragraph is LAST BUT ONE after rearrangement?
Which should be the fourth sentence after rearrangement?
Which of the following is the fifth sentence of the passage?