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The correct answer is C
A shopkeeper bought two articles for Rs. 350 each. If he sold one of them at 40% profit and the other at 40% loss, then find the difference between the ...
A company produces two types of products, A and B. The production cost of A is Rs. 300 per unit, and the production cost of B is Rs. 450 per unit. The c...
Profit percentage earned on selling article 'I' is the same as the percentage loss incurred on selling article 'J'. If the cost price of article 'I' is ...
A rice bag's selling price is 'x%' greater than its cost price and 'x%' less than its marked price. The gain proportion from selling the item would incr...
A shopkeeper sold an article at marked price and got a profit of 50%. If he had given a discount of 20%, then find his new profit percent.
An item is priced 40% above its cost price. It's sold for Rs. 2268, after applying a discount of x%, and this sale results in a 12% profit. Determine th...
On selling 21 bottles at Rs. 1620, there is a profit equal to the cost price of 6 bottles. The cost price of a bottle is
A product is sold for ₹1050, but its marked price is ₹1400. Calculate the discount percentage given by the shopkeeper.
The sale price of an item is set at 30% above the cost price. After giving a 10% discount on the marked price, what is the merchant’s profit percentag...
Marked price of an article is Rs.320 more than its cost price. If profit earned is equal to the discount given then find the profit earned?