The characters for which genes are located on sex or ‘X’ or analogous ‘Z’ chromosomes are known as sex linked traits. Such genes are called sex linked genes and linkage of such genes is referred to as sex linkage. Inheritance of such genes or characters is known as sex linked inheritance. Sex linkage in Human-colour blindness, hemophilia, male baldness, congenital night blindness etc.
Which of the following parts of the stomach is called “True stomach”?
By product after cream separation process is
Following is an example of sedimentary rock
Thalamus of hypogynous ovary is
If a farmer aims to produce maize with higher protein content and plant geneticists recommend the Opaque 2 variant, which amino acids might the farmer e...
Which of the following is an example of sex linked inheritance in humans?
During germination, seeds absorb water by
Which type of metamorphosis do Lepidoptera undergo?
The process of removal of undesirable or non-productive animals from herd is called……………………
Which of the following is known as fertilizer tree?