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Explanation: Shifting Cultivation, also known as Jhum Cultivation or Slash and Burn, involves clearing land by burning, cultivating for a short period, and then allowing the land to regenerate naturally.
Tea’s red rust disease is caused by
At field capacity the value of pF is:
Which element is most useful for root growth?
what is the plant popullation for medium cotton crop?
National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal which networks the existing Agricultural Produce Market Committee(APMC) man...
Soils with high pH are generally deficient in
Which of the following is not a bottom up technique for the synthesis of nanoparticles?
The yellow vein mosaic of okra is majorly transmitted by ____
According to 3rd Advance estimate of foodgrain production 2021-22, the total food grain production has been estimated to be
Water use efficiency and water application uniformity remains highest in which irrigation method?