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Bhadawari - The body is usually light or copper coloured is a peculiarity of this breed. Eye lids are generally copper or light brown colour. The fat content in milk varies from 6 to 12.5 per cent. This breed is an efficient converter of coarse feed into butterfat and is known for it high butter fat content.
Ricky Ponting, an Australian Cricket Player visits India for 90 days in every financial year. This has been his practice for the past 11 financial years...
Which item of revenue of the following is covered under Accounting Standard-9?
In which situation flow of funds does not happen?
Which of the following is not a principle of management as suggested by Fayol?
A type of market in which securities with less than one year maturity are traded, is classified as
Consider the following information.
What will be the ...
Which of the following functions are not performed by servers?
The term ‘ Previous year’ is defined under which section of Income Tax Act?
Which of the following statements are true or false?
Statement 1: Management of cash means management of cash inflow.
Statement 2: Cash ma...
Time of supply means