The principal pathway of water translocation in angiosperms is
The principal pathway of water translocation in angiosperms is xylem vessel system. The sap (i.e., water with dissolved minerals) is absorbed mainly by roots and is moved upward to all the parts of plants via stem. It occurs mainly through xylem.
71 81 61 101 51 181
420, 380, 340, 300, 280, 220, 180
21 32 54 86 131 186
...7, 16, 33, 74, 153, 312
20.5, 30, 40.5, 53, 64.5, 78
225, 45, 450, 90, 900, 150, 1800
3 4 18 72 360 2160
12, 28, 64, 128, 228, 379
12, 36, 41, 121, 128, 384
131, 212, 261, 286, 295, 299