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The IIHR has its main research station at Hessaraghatta, Bengaluru with 263 ha of land and Regional experiment station at Bhuvaneshwar in Orissa with two Krishi Vigyan Kendras both located in Karnataka state at Gonikopal in Kodagu and Hirehalli in Tumkur districts.
How many such pairs of letter are there in the word TELEPHONE, each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
Statements: M # N # O $ P & Q % R % S
Conclusions : I. Q @ S ...
In this question, there are three statements showing the relation followed by three conclusions i, ii and iii. Assuming the statements as true, decide w...
Statements: A $ B, B * C, D % A
Conclusions: a) C # D b) D $ B
Z > N ≥ B = J ≤ M; Y ≥ U > N ≥ P
I). P ≤ Z
II). M > Y
...Statement: C ≥ D > E < F ≥ G; D ≥ H = J
I. C > H
II. C = J
In the question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion (s) among given two conclusions is /are definitely true and the...
Statements: M % F & P % F; F # A & W; W @ O # S
I. A @ O
II. M % O
III. S @ F
...Statements: B & C, C # D, D @ E, E % F
Conclusions: I. C & F II. E # B
...Statements: Q > W > X; J > W; Z < X < P
I. P > Z
II. J > Q
III. W < P