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Deep tillage or deep ploughing: Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad classified ploughing according to depth as under: Depth Categories 5-6 cm Shallow ploughing 15-20 cm Medium deep ploughing 25-30 cm Deep ploughing
Which of the following plants was exhibited on Thursday?
Who lives to the East of the one who likes Orange?
F lives to the north east of ___.
Which carton is kept at third place above U?
Seven persons R, S, T, U, V, W and X, live in a seven-storey building, but not necessarily in the same order. S lives two floors above X. X lives on an ...
Who among the following lives three floors above C?
Who likes Black?
Which of the following exam held on Thursday?
Which of the following combinations is definitely correct?
E is living on which of the following floors?