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Cauliflower: Pusa Beta Kesari ● Country’s First Bio fortified cauliflower ● Contain high Beta-carotene (8-10 ppm) in comparison to negligible beta-carotene varieties ● Year of release: 2015
In which Indian state is the 'Pookode Lake' located?
Which of the following nations assumed the Chairmanship of the Council of Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (RATS ...
Which state in India has the highest population density according to the 2011 Census?
In which of the following states of India is the buffalo breed named 'Banni' mainly reared?
What is the percentage of proteins in the cell membrane?
Which of the following gases, when cooled and compressed, can change from a gas to a supercritical fluid state?
Which of the following books was written by the Roman writer Pliny the elder?
Zero coupon bond can be redeemed under which section of the Income Tax Act?
Which of the following causative agents causes the disease Ebola?
In Human Development Report 2021-22, which of the following country became the best performer in Indian-Subcontinent?