(1) High volume spray (more than 400 litres spray/ha) (2) Low volume spray (5 to 400 litres, per hectare) (3) Ultra low volume (ULV) spray (less than 5 litres spray/ha)
Which was the very initial act in India that provides the protection from adulteration/contamination of food that may lead to the health risk of consume...
Which of the given methods of measurement of soil moisture is considered as a check for all other methods?
The soils of very cold climates which are defined as containing permafrost within two meters of the soil surface belongs to the order
A rise either in real output (GDP) or in real output per capita is named __ ?
In tissue culture regeneration of shoot and root occurs by manipulating the balance of:
Technology in which plants are grown without soil is known as:
Interceptor drain helps to control water logging by __ ?
The scientific study of diseases in plants, identification of the pathogen and their management is known as
Based on mode of organization and functioning groups are classified as:
Cytoplasmic or extra-nuclear inheritance of color by plastids is observed in