In rice dwarfing is caused by Dee- geo-woo gen gene whereas in wheat it is caused by Norin 10 gene. Cytoplasmic male sterility in pearl millet is caused by Tift 23 A and Opaque-2 gene is responsible for Quality Protein Maize.
While testing seed, the grow out test is conducted to determine:
Which is a natural pesticide?
Demand of a commodity for different uses is called ___
King of Pippin is the variety of ......
Ergot is an important disease of:
The book Nature and Properties of Soils is written by
In anaerobic respiration which enzyme is used while converting pyruvic acid to alcohol?
Scientific name of grape is:
According to APEDA Act “Special product” means any of the agricultural or processed food products included in the ____ schedule.
The total age of rice seedling for transplanting in main field through double transplanting method