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According to IMD, Meteorological drought is a situation when the rainfall deficiency is 25% or more of long term average of a meteorological station.
A’ is the nth term of the given series and ‘B’ is the (n + 1)th term of the given
series. Choose the correct statement from the following s...
231 451 671 242 485 264
...There are three series given below which are following with the same pattern.
Series I: 9, 10, 32, 163, 1145
Series II: 4, B, C, D, E
...14 15 32 99 400 ?
...76, 82, 158, 240, 398, 638, ?
16 9 ? 13.25 22.625 36.3125
...6, 17, 21, 47, ?, 107
3601 3602 1803 604 154 36
...1 0.5 3 7.5 21.5 74.25
52 60 44 68 ? 76