Brucellosis, caused by bacteria such as Brucella abortus, can lead to abortion in cattle during the gestation period. This disease is known to cause late-term abortion, stillbirths, or weak offspring in infected animals
Pipe 'A' can fill a water tank in 6 hours, while pipe 'B' requires 8 hours to do the same. When a third pipe, 'C', also contributes, the tank is filled ...
A tank can be filled by two pipes, A and B, in 15 minutes and 20 minutes, respectively. Both pipes are opened together, but after 5 minutes, pipe A is c...
In a party a tank is filled with some quantities of juice. Three vessels of different volume are used to serve the juice. Volume of the smallest vessel ...
Pipe ‘A’ can fill a tank in 30 hours whereas leak ‘A’ can empty it in 40 hours. If they both operate along with pipe ‘B’, then the given tan...
Pipe ‘A’ can fill 25% of a tank in 6 hours while pipe ‘B’ takes 40 hours to empty fully filled tank. Pipe ‘A’ is ope...
Pipe A can fill the empty tank in 25 minutes while pipe B can empty the half-filled same tank in 15 minutes. What is the time require to fill (80/3) % o...
Tap A can fill a tank in 20 hours and tap B can emptied it is 25 hours. Tap A starts filling and they opened for 1 hour each alternatively in what time...
Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 24 min and 32 min respectively. If both the pipes are opened simultaneously, after how much time B should be closed...
Pipe ‘A’ takes 25 minutes to fill a tank. Pipe ‘B’ takes 40 minutes to empty the same tank. If pipe ‘B’ is opened 16 minutes after pipe ‘A...
There are 8 inlet and (x-4) outlet pipes attached to a tank. Each inlet pipe takes 24 hours to fill the tank, and each outlet pipe empties the fully fil...