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The Gov. of India extended the facility of Kisan Credit Card (KCC) to fisheries and animal husbandry farmers in the year 2018-19 to help them meet their working capital needs. The KCC facility will help fisheries and animal husbandry farmers to meet their short term credit requirements of rearing of animals, poultry birds, fish, shrimp, other aquatic organisms and capture of fish.
ln which order of insects peritrophic membrane is not found?
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Time (in min) required to kill a known population of micro organism under certain conditions at given lethal time is ___
Which one of the following is the nutrient has a key role in biology N-fixation?
"Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force" is:
Which one of the following is a neutral fertiliser?
Heavy infestation of which of the following causes poor ploughing performance?
Under conservation tillage soil aggregates stability (%) increases because of
Safe seed moisture content for sealed storage is
The creation of utility by the way of marketing is called as