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The repayment period for loans taken under the AHIDF is a maximum of 8 years, including a two-year moratorium period.
Polarisation in not ____________________to our body politic alone; it is _______________into the vitals of our social fabric.
I first had Thakali food several years __________ at a beautiful little spot near Pokhra in Nepal. ______ days ago, in Kathmandu, I had _________ great...
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
This visit will not interfere ________ our plans.
Every three hours ___________ the experiment, participants completed _______ easy 40-minute driving scenario.
So, for four hours she sat ____________ about Harry and fleshing out all the characters in the book.
I had to use a little ____________ persuasion to get him to agree.
A fundamental challenge, of course, is how to __________ the social democratic norms within the institutes, representative of Indian diversity and plur...
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blanks.
When John arrived ______ the exhibition it was already ______ full swing.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate antonym of the word highlighted.
One important fact that many have ______was noticed by her.
...Choose the most suitable option to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.
The restaurant I had dinner at ___________ expensive, but the fo...