Antenna Type Description Setaceous Bristle-like. Size of segments decreases from base to apex. Examples: Leafhopper, Dragonfly, Damselfly. Filiform Thread-like. Segments are usually cylindrical; thickness remains the same throughout. Example: Grasshopper. Moniliform Beaded. Segments are globular or spherical with prominent constrictions in between. Example: Termite. Serrate Saw-like. Segments have short triangular projections on one side. Example: Longicorn beetle. Unipectinate Comb-like. Segments with long slender processes on one side. Example: Sawfly. Bipectinate Double comb-like. Segments with long slender lateral processes on both sides. Example: Silkworm moth. Clavate Clubbed. Antenna enlarges gradually towards the tip. Example: Blister beetle. Capitate Knobbed. Terminal segments become enlarged suddenly. Example: Butterfly. Lamellate Plate-like. Antennal tip is expanded laterally on one side to form flat plates. Example: Lamellicorn beetle. Aristate Terminal segment is enlarged, bears a conspicuous dorsal bristle called arista. Example: House fly. Stylate Terminal segment bears a style-like process. Example: Horse fly, Robber fly. Plumose Feathery. Segments with long whorls of hairs. Example: Male mosquito. Pilose Hairy. Antenna is less feathery with few hairs at the junction of flagellomeres. Example: Female mosquito. Geniculate Elbowed. Scape is long; remaining segments are small and arranged at an angle resembling an elbow joint. Example: Ant, Weevil, Honey bee.
How much Foreign direct investment (FDI) is allowed in Insurance Repository?
What is the purpose of an agreed value policy?
Insurance companies can have a exposure of to financial and insurance activities upto ____ of investment assets as per IRDAI.
The 'Third-Party Liability' cover in a motor insurance policy is mandatory in India as per the:
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A provision added to a home owners insurance policy that automatically adjusts the coverage limit on the dwelling each time the policy is renewed to ref...
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_______________ is not an indicator of service quality.
What is the liability of individuals, corporations, or partnerships for accidents caused by people other than employees for whose acts or omissions the ...
Third-Party Administrators (TPAs) are primarily involved in: