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Antenna Type Description Setaceous Bristle-like. Size of segments decreases from base to apex. Examples: Leafhopper, Dragonfly, Damselfly. Filiform Thread-like. Segments are usually cylindrical; thickness remains the same throughout. Example: Grasshopper. Moniliform Beaded. Segments are globular or spherical with prominent constrictions in between. Example: Termite. Serrate Saw-like. Segments have short triangular projections on one side. Example: Longicorn beetle. Unipectinate Comb-like. Segments with long slender processes on one side. Example: Sawfly. Bipectinate Double comb-like. Segments with long slender lateral processes on both sides. Example: Silkworm moth. Clavate Clubbed. Antenna enlarges gradually towards the tip. Example: Blister beetle. Capitate Knobbed. Terminal segments become enlarged suddenly. Example: Butterfly. Lamellate Plate-like. Antennal tip is expanded laterally on one side to form flat plates. Example: Lamellicorn beetle. Aristate Terminal segment is enlarged, bears a conspicuous dorsal bristle called arista. Example: House fly. Stylate Terminal segment bears a style-like process. Example: Horse fly, Robber fly. Plumose Feathery. Segments with long whorls of hairs. Example: Male mosquito. Pilose Hairy. Antenna is less feathery with few hairs at the junction of flagellomeres. Example: Female mosquito. Geniculate Elbowed. Scape is long; remaining segments are small and arranged at an angle resembling an elbow joint. Example: Ant, Weevil, Honey bee.
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Under Section 15 of CPC, every suit shall be instituted in?