Justus von Liebig's Law of the Minimum states that yield is proportional to the amount of the most limiting nutrient, whichever nutrient it may be.
The nutrient element which controls movement of stomata and maintains the turgor of cells, is-
The growth of auxiliary buds into shoot is known as -
As per ISFR, 2021, what is the total forest cover in total geographical area of the country.
In which layer of the Earth's atmosphere do various meteorological phenomena such as different types of clouds, thunderstorms, cyclones, and anti-cyclon...
The law of limiting factors’ was proposed by
A crop sown with another crop to gain some advantage in yield are termed as
Which type of soil has swelling and shrinking property?
The horizon which is termed as horizon of maximum eluviation of clay, Fe and Al oxides
When rain falls on any material on ground having subfreezing temperatures and freezes into sheet or coating ice then it is known as:
The period of life at which the reproductive organs first become functional is termed as ………………………….