The Northwestern Plains Zone contributes 45% to total wheat production and covers 37% of the wheat area, thanks to its favorable climate, fertile soils, and well-established irrigation infrastructure.
In which Indian state is the Sair Festival predominantly celebrated?
Name the Indian origin UK boy who had become the youngest applicant to achieve highest score in Mensa IQ test?
Which of the following is not correctly matched?
Central Pay Commissions : Chairman
...The book 'The Heartfulness Way' was launched by President Ram Nath Kovind. It is written by:
In which of the following districts of Uttarakhand Aadi Kailash temple is situated?
Where is the International Development Association (IDA) headquartered?
Return on Investment may be improved by:
Which year was Deen Dayal Upadhyay Home stay Scheme being implemented in Uttarakhand?
Which Indian state has the highest population?
Which of the following European country is the guarantor of Bank of Central African States ?