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Phomopsis blight causes circular grey spots with light-colored centers on brinjal leaves, followed by black pycnidia and canker development at the stem base.
Which method is used to remove large sticks and burrs from freshly harvested cotton?
The principal pathway of water translocation in angiosperms is
Virus that infect plants mostly have genetic material in the form of
For determination of soil microbial biomass, carbon extracting agent used is
Irrigation method that is suitable for undulating topography is ___
Interceptor drain helps to control water logging by __ ?
The correct sequence of plant nutrients that shows deficiency symptoms on older leaves is:
In the G1 phase of cell cycle, each chromosome has chromatid(s).
Largest producer of pearl millet is
Which two new soil orders have been added in US Soil Taxonomy after 1975 ?