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Dry farming is the cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is less than 750 mm per annum with less than 75 days of crop growing season.
Which one of the FOLLOWING does not obey Mendel's law
An area having Nutrient index> 2.33 will be
The standard plate count is not applicable to:
Which of the following is the cause of black heart of potato?
What is the commonly used conversion factor to convert organic carbon to organic matter,
Rice is ______ day plant requiring longer nights for maturity.
Which irrigation method is suitable for cotton grown in heavy soils like clay and loam, reducing water usage by 50%?
Which planting system accommodates maximum plants?
Recently, Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI) successfully tested two new dwarf varieties of Kalanamak rice – Pusa Narendra Kalanamak 1638, 1...
Serpentine leaf miner is a common pest of which crop?