As per the data released by Directorate of Economics and statistics, Ministry released in May 2022 , the value of Net Sown Area of India is 139.35 million hectares.
At what time groundnut plant is self pollinated?
Which tissue transporting carbohydrates from the leaves as a food supply for the production of energy in the cortex?
Match the following
Accepted ways of behavior in society are:
PLAM is a computerized prediction system for ......................?
Which pruning technique involves cutting the trunk down to a 30-35 cm stump, from which multiple vigorous shoots emerge within six months, and only two ...
What does vermicomposting involve?
‘Millets’ were among the first crops to be domesticated in India with several evidence of its consumption during the Indus valley civilization. In I...
Match List I with List II
Choose the correct answ...
Bagasse is a by-product of: