Continue with your mobile number
1.5% of sum insured and actual rate whichever is less , Uder PMFBY For Kharif- 2%, For Rabi 1.5% and for annual commercial or horticultural crops 5%
Which example is given in the passage as an embedded operating system?
Which layer of the OSI model provides the interface between the user and the network?
An object embedded in a web page or email, which unobtrusively (usually invisibly) allows checking that a user has accessed the content is called
For indentation of text in MS Word which among the following option is not available?
__________ is a function inside another function.
Which of the following open source e-learning platform has been developed by IIT-Kanpur?
Which layer of the OSI model is responsible for error detection and recovery?
__________ characteristics is used to compute dynamically the results from Excel data.
The most suitable type of network that phone lines would us is
At which layer of the OSI model does the MAC address exist?