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Boron deficiency causes browning in cauliflower. In general, the signs of boron deficiency are evident externally on plants after curd formation.
Counter stain used in gram staining is ________.
Crazy Chick disease in poultry is caused due to the deficiency of which of the following?
In bryophytes, when gametophytes produce sporophyte without fusion of gametes it is called as
The lower leaves become rusty brown near the base and ultimately dry up in rice due to the deficiency of
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane as ____ (Rs/quintal) for sugar season 2023-24.
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) was launched in the year___
IFS Quick Access' is a system developed by:
Which caste of honeybee has the primary function of impregnating the young queen and is physically incapable of performing the work of the hive?
Which of the following classifications applies to fish that migrate between the sea and freshwater during their life cycle?
The bacterial disease, citrus greening is spread by _____ vector.