Andosols which cover around 1-2% of earths surface are rich in volcanic ash and have dark surface horizon.
Arrange the following in the English alphabetical order:
(i) Exploration
(ii) Exploitative
(iii) Exploratory
(iv) Exploitation
If all the alphabets of alphabetical series are numbered as 26-1 from A-Z then what is the sum of the numbers of letters of the word “ GROWTH ”?
In a certain code language ‘COMPUTE’ is written as ‘NPDPFUV’ and ‘PLAYERS’ is written as ‘BMQYTSF’. How is ‘FURIOUS’ written in that...
Which two numbers should be interchanged to make the following equation correct?
108 ÷ 5 − 2 × 9 + 25 = 27
In a certain code REASONING is written as TBFSNFMHM. How is INSURANCE written in that code?
What is the code of “Recommendation Ruled”?
From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.
If all the digits of the number ‘869534172’ are arranged in ascending order from left to right, what will be the product of the fifth from the right...
If ‘ GLOSSORY ’ is coded as 97533562 and ‘ GEOGRAPHY ’ is coded as 915968402 , then ‘ GEOLOGY ’ can be coded as
...Find which one of the given words can be made from the letters of the given word.