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The ratio of Evapotranspiration to Potential Evapotranspiration is known as Crop coefficient
In a certain code language, if NAUGHTY is coded as 3198764 and TAKE is coded as 6152, then YAK will be coded as?
On which of the following date and months does V attend the class?
Which of the following may be the code for ‘one ever’?
If ‘FORGET’ is coded as ‘29’ and ‘NOISE’ is coded as ‘28’, then what is the code for ‘WARMTH’?
What is the code for ‘You’?
In a certain coded language the word RANDOM is written as QXUPLG. How will the word ERASER be written in that coded language?
In a certain code language ‘FINAL’ is written as ‘JGNMB’ and ‘GRAIN’ is written as ‘SHAOJ’. How is ‘LIVER’ written in that code?
What may be the possible code for “focus real” in the given code language?
If 'ABACUS' is coded as 'CEEARO’, how will ‘EFFORT’ be coded as in the same code?
If ‘as’ is written as ‘sa’, ‘I’ is written as ‘ma’ and ‘done’ is written as ‘na’, how will be ‘Do not say’ written as in th...