The Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources Dhan (GOBAR-DHAN) scheme is implemented under the Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin-Phase 2, by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation under the Jal Shakti ministry.It was launched in 2018.
What is the average number of female crew members working in all the airlines together?
If in 2018, the total sales of Nike increased by 10%, while its sales in Chandigarh increased by 28% and that in Jaipur increased by 21% then what is th...
The total sales of Bolero, Tata Indica and Baleno together in 2017 is approximately what per cent of the total sales of Santro in all states together...
The total number of total employees working in Emirates is approximately what percent more or less than that of Jet Airways?
If total sales of cars of all brands together increases by 10% in 2018 and the the sales of Santro in Maharshtra increased by 15% keeping percentage dis...
In which of the following years is the percentage increase/ decrease in the total income of the Airlines the maximum in comparison to its previous year?
The given histogram represents the frequency distribution of average runs scored by 50 selected players from a district in a local cricket tournament. <...
Water consumption in 2014 will be approximately how many times the total no. of consumer all over the years?
Out of the two bar graphs provided below, one shows the amounts (Rs in Lakhs) invested by a company in purchasing raw materials over the years and the o...
If in 2018, the total sales of Santro increased by 10% while its sales in Uttrakhand increased by 12% and that in Punjab increased by 22% then what is t...