The opening on an arthropod's body surface that allows for air transfer is called a spiracle. Spiracles are small openings or pores located along the sides of the arthropod's body. They serve as the entrance and exit points for the respiratory system of arthropods, including insects, spiders, and crustaceans.
Soil moisture characteristic curve for sandy soil is
The process of taking out threads from the cocoons, to obtain silk fibres is called…………….
Minimum isolation distance for the production of foundation seed of rice is
Weeds which are very short lived by nature are called:
In which year power tiller was introduced in India?
What is the ideal temperature range for the cultivation of Button Mushrooms, including the high-temperature species A. bitorquis?
Which of the following example of semi-perishable food
National Centre for Organic and Natural farming is located at ____
The line on weather map which joins the places having equal wind speed is known as:
Which of the following is a ceremonial weed?