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The field of systematic biology, also known as systematics or taxonomy, is concerned with the study of relationships between groups of organisms of any size. It involves the classification, identification, and naming of organisms based on their evolutionary relationships, morphological characters, genetic makeup, and other relevant factors.
What is the term for a sudden and heritable change in the DNA sequence of an organism?
Abiotic factors also refers to:
According to Interest subvention scheme what % farmers getting the short- term crop loan payable within one year up to Rs 3 lakhs at per annum?
Seeds which survive freezing or drying conditions for long periods with longer lifespan are
Percent of Nitrogen content present in Calcium nitrate and Calcium Ammonium Nitrate respectively is:
Scalding of vegetables is a:
The name of sugar has originated from the Sanskrit word ____
Which of the following element shows deficiency symptom first on older or lower leaves?
Which species of wheat is not grown in India?
After tillage operations the Bulk density of tilled soil as compared to untilled soil