In the preparation of audio-visual aids, the principle of 'A', 'B', 'C' signifies: Attractiveness, Brevity, Clarity
?2 - 12.5% of 647.99 = 24.98% × 363.97 + 5% of 1059.98
? = 21.08 + 18.99 × 21.07
(13.13 × 32.98) + 20.15% of 649.99 = ? + 122.34
49.99% of 5400 + 923=?
1025.08 + 1623.13 - 1784.91 + 2564.31 - 2897.98 = ?
√2310 × 4.99 + (359.72 + 519.87) = ?2 + 63.88% of 150.42
? + 96.18 – 15.02 = 118.98 + 31.09
(56.04% of 550.06 + 19.92 × 18.13) – 121.97 = ?
18.22 × 11.99 + 154.15 = ?