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The Single Seed Descent method is a plant breeding technique that is commonly used for self-pollinating crops. It is a modification of the Bulk method, which involves the selection of desirable plants based on their overall performance and the collection of seed from those selected plants.
Soils with Bulk density 1.325g/cc and Particle density of 2.65 g/cc consist of a total porosity of:
Stomach poisons have gradually been replaced by synthetic insecticides, which are less dangerous to humans and other mammals
The most accepted theory to explain ascent of sap in plants “transpiration–cohesion–tension mechanism”, was proposed by:
Which of the following is a common symptom of plant disease?
Sigatoka is associated with
The extension approaches wherein success is measured in terms of the rate of take up of the recommendations, and increases in
national production:
Which of the following is the post harvest physiological disorder of mango
Headquarter of National Horticulture board is located at
Which of the following states was the largest producer of cotton in 2023-24?
Rotenone is an odorless, colorless, crystalline isoflavone used as a