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Guava has high content of pectin that makes it suitable for jelly making.
If in the Shraddha University, 40% of the students (boys + girls) who completed the course got the job, then how many students got the job?
In a LPU, number of the boys who completed the course is equal to number of girls. Only 96 students i.e 25% (B + G) who completed course got the job. Ho...
Two cars Q and S start from the destination I at 8 am and 9 am respectively and they are going to the same destination. At what time car S will cross ca...
Find the profit % of Shirt if the % discount of Shirt is equal to % discount of Jacket and the C.P of Shirt is 1.5 times the C.P of Pullover?
Assume if only the given players score during the match for the team, then what is the minimum score of the team?
If the M.P of Blazer is Rs 150 more than the M.P of Jeans then, find the S.P of Blazer?
What is the total number of dot balls face by Virat Kohli?
The number of employees increased by 40% from 2011 to 2016. If 30% of the employees got promoted in 2016, and the ratio of male to female who got promot...
If the average number of employees who got promoted in 2011 and 2013 was 414 then what percent of the total number of employees who got promoted in 2011?
Find the total profit in the year 2014, if the investment of Panna is half of the investment of Moti in the same year and the profit of the Heera is 220...