Zeolites are a group of porous minerals composed primarily of aluminum, silicon, and oxygen. Dolomite is a carbonate mineral composed of calcium, magnesium, carbon, and oxygen. Magnesite is a mineral composed of magnesium, carbon, and oxygen.
In which type of flower does the margin of the thalamus grow upward and enclose the ovary completely, making the ovary inferior?
Bread wheat is:
There are four stages in the functional growth of a market. Match the correct options:
……… is an anaerobically fermented feed prepared from green fodder whenever the supply of green fodder is in plenty. It possesses all the character...
The actual quantity of a commodity that is available with the farmer after meeting his basic requirements is _________.
Microorganism comes under the category of thermophiles is/are
The species of Rhizobium present in the root nodules of soyabean
Which of the following is the aim of Agricultural Marketing Intelligence?
Karewas type of soil found in
Where are the headquarters of ICAR located