acre-inch-day is equal to: 1 acre-inch / 1 day / 1 acre To convert acre-inch to cubic feet, we use the conversion factor that 1 acre-inch is equal to 27,154.9 cubic feet. Therefore, the flow rate can be calculated as follows: 1 acre-inch / 1 day / 1 acre = 27,154.9 cubic feet / 1 day / 1 acre Simplifying the units, we get: 27,154.9 cubic feet / day / acre So, the water flow for one acre-inch-day is approximately 0.042 cubic feet per second (c ft/sec).
To save a document in different location use ______.
Which one of the following is internet Standard Protocol?
In a spreadsheet, a _________ is a number you will use in a calculator.
Transistors were used in which generations of computer ?
To undo the last work, we have to use which of the following Windows shortcut key?
__________ is the bit-rate of available or consumed information capacity expressed typically in metric multiples of bits per second.
The program used for the compression-decompression of audio and video files is known as ......................
Each character on the keyboard of computer has an ASCII value which stands for
Shift, Control, Alt are examples of ____ category.
Key function of a firewall is