Pod corn, also known as "tunicate maize" or "wild maize," is a unique variety of maize (corn) characterized by its distinctive husks that enclose individual kernels. Unlike typical maize varieties, which have kernels exposed on a cob, pod corn has each kernel enclosed within a separate husk or "pod." While pod corn is not widely grown for commercial purposes, it is sometimes used in research and breeding programs to study certain genetic traits and to develop new maize varieties.
Consider the following statements:
1. An amendment of the Constitution of India can be initiated by the introduction of a Bill for the purpose ...
Mission “Indradhanush” belongs to :
Who was the author of ‘Kathasaritsagar’?
What of the following is/are the achievements of the Non cooperation movement at that time?
1. Communal harmony in the country
2. ...
First Law Commission of India was constituted under Charter of:
Who among the following introduced the celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi and Shivaji Festivals to bring the Indian society together and inspire patriotic ...
The Maximum Bonus that one can get under the “Bonus payment act 1965”is?
Which of the following is incorrect in regards to Janani Suraksha Yojana
What fraction of the positions in all panchayat institutions is reserved for women?
Consider the following statements:
1. Launching of Fourth five-year plan was postponed and three annual plans had to be resorted to between 19...